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Saudi Arabia and Russia are working together for oil

Oil prices are facing challenges as major producers struggle to keep them high. Both Saudi Arabia and Russia need higher prices for their economic needs, but the market is not cooperating at the moment.

To counter this trend, Saudi Arabia and Russia are working together. Saudi Arabia has extended its production cut for another month, aiming to keep output at nine million barrels per day. They have even expressed willingness to extend the cuts beyond August if necessary. Russia has also announced additional production cuts for August, while Algeria plans to reduce its output too.

Other countries, such as Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Iran, have also reduced their oil production. However, despite these efforts, the oil market remains bearish. The Brent futures market has shown a contango, indicating that traders don’t expect a supply shortage in the near future.

Concerns about global demand are affecting market sentiments. The latest report on US consumer spending shows that Americans are tightening their belts due to high inflation. This has led to expectations of more interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve, which would decrease oil demand. Rising interest rates in other major economies would also impact global oil consumption.

Goldman Sachs has highlighted that increasing interest rates will continue to be a negative factor for oil prices. Chinese factory survey data also indicates modest growth, adding to the market’s uncertainty.

The efforts by oil producers have not yet yielded the desired results. While oil prices initially rose after the announcements of output cuts, they were not sustained. Additionally, the US Energy Department has been purchasing oil for its Strategic Petroleum Reserves, but this hasn’t significantly impacted prices.

Overall, the oil market remains under pressure, and the outlook is not optimistic. This situation presents challenges for oil producers while potentially benefiting countries like Pakistan, as lower prices can improve their balance of payments.

However, the future of the global economy will heavily influence the oil market’s trajectory.

Economic Analysis of the news article by MR. Shayan

Title: Oil Producers Grapple with Bearish Market: A Global Economic Analysis


The oil market is currently witnessing a challenging phase as major oil producers, including Saudi Arabia and Russia, face difficulties in propping up oil prices. This article provides a detailed analysis of the situation from a global economic perspective, highlighting the implications for both oil producers and consumers.

a. Producers’ Efforts to Boost Prices

  • Saudi Arabia’s Budgetary Needs: Saudi Arabia, a heavyweight in the oil industry, requires Brent crude to trade around $81 per barrel to balance its budget, as estimated by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
  • Russia’s Cash Flow Requirements: Russia is in need of additional cash flow to sustain its ongoing Ukraine war efforts.
  • Coordination between Riyadh and Moscow: Both Saudi Arabia and Russia have closely coordinated their actions to counter the bearish trend in the oil market.

b. Production Cuts and Output Reductions

  • Saudi Arabia’s Unilateral Production Cut: Saudi Arabia has extended its unilateral production cut of one million barrels per day (bpd) for July into August, with the possibility of further extensions.
  • Russia’s Additional Output Reduction: Russia has announced a cut in crude output by an additional 500,000 bpd in August.
  • Algeria’s Output Reduction: Algeria plans to reduce its output by an extra 20,000 bpd in August, adding to the previous reduction decided in April.
  • Compliance by Other Producers: Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Iran have also reined in their oil production, showing compliance with voluntary output cuts.

c. Bearish Market Sentiments

  • Brent Futures in Contango: The Brent futures market has shifted into a contango, indicating that spot prices for the benchmark crude have fallen below futures prices. This suggests that oil traders do not anticipate a supply squeeze in the near future.
  • Concerns about Global Demand: Market sentiments are affected by concerns about global demand, particularly due to the latest US consumer spending report revealing tightened spending as a result of high inflation. The expected rate hikes by the Federal Reserve System could further dampen oil demand.
  • Impact of Rising Interest Rates: Goldman Sachs has emphasized that rising interest rates will act as a persistent drag on oil prices. Furthermore, the modest growth in Chinese factory activity adds to the uncertainties surrounding global crude consumption.

d. Limited Success of Producers’ Efforts

  • Despite the announced output cuts, the desired results have not materialized. Oil futures have struggled to sustain gains, indicating a lack of a significant rally in prices. Even previous production cuts in June had only temporary effects on oil prices.

e. Impact on Global Economy and Pakistan

  • Global Economic Implications: The oil market’s challenges have wider implications for the global economy. Rising interest rates and subdued global crude consumption can create headwinds for economic growth.
  • Relief for Pakistan: The softening of oil prices can be beneficial for countries like Pakistan, as oil constitutes a significant portion of their import bill. A more favorable oil market can contribute to a better balance of payment scenario for Pakistan.


The current situation in the oil market presents significant challenges for oil producers. Despite their efforts to boost prices through production cuts, the bearish market sentiments and concerns about global demand continue to impact oil prices. While this may provide relief for oil-importing nations like Pakistan, the overall health of the global economy will play a crucial role in shaping the future trajectory of the oil market.


  1. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/07/business/energy-environment/saudi-arabia-russia-oil-opec-plus.html
  2. https://www.dawn.com/news/1763853/a-sigh-of-relief-for-a-weak-crude-market

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