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In reality, the discussion about manager and leader or management or leadership skills requires long and deep analysis and everyone has a different perspective. In this blog, we have tried our level best to cover some basic attributes of leaders and managers so that the reader can clearly understand the difference between the basic rules of both.

Leadership and Management explained.

Leadership and management are two distinct concepts that are often used interchangeably. While there may be some overlap between the two, they differ significantly in terms of their core focus and purpose.

Leadership is defined as a process of inspiring and guiding a group of people working with the leader toward a common goal. In reality, the leader is someone who sets the direction creates the vision and defines the purpose of a team or organization. Leaders can in fact inspire and motivate others to follow their vision. Because they possess the necessary skills to navigate challenges and deal with obstacles along the way. Leaders are typically innovative and creative and they are willing to take the risk to achieve their goals. Leaders have a long-term perspective and are focused on the bigger picture.

In contrast, Management is a process of planning, organizing, leading controlling, and directing (it includes people’s time and money), and the main purpose is to achieve specific objectives. A manager is responsible for ensuring the day-to-day operations of a team or running the organization smoothly and efficiently. Managers are mainly focused on achieving their short-term goals and the set objectives and they worked to optimize the process and procedures to improve productivity and reduce waste. Managers are typically analytical and product-oriented personals and they focus on achieving results within established parameters.

How is Leadership different from Management?

  1. Focus: Leaders are focused on creating a vision and inspiring others to achieve it, while managers are focused on executing plans and achieving results within established constraints.
  2. Approach: Leaders take a proactive and innovative approach, while managers take a reactive and problem-solving approach.
  3. Timeframe: Leaders focus on long-term goals and objectives, while managers focus on short-term goals and objectives.
  4. Personal Qualities: Leaders possess personal qualities such as vision, charisma, creativity, empathy, and passion, while managers possess personal qualities such as organization, efficiency, attention to detail, and problem-solving skills.
  5. Influence: Leaders influence people through inspiration and motivation, while managers influence people through power and authority.
  6. Risks: Leaders are willing to take risks and make bold decisions, while managers prefer to avoid risks and make cautious decisions.
  7. Communication: Leaders communicate their vision and goals clearly and persuasively, while managers communicate operational plans and procedures effectively.
  8. Role in Change: Leaders drive change and transformation, while managers implement change and ensure operational efficiency.

Main responsibilities of a leader:

  1. Creating a vision and direction for the team or organization
  2. Setting goals and objectives
  3. Inspiring and motivating the team
  4. Providing mentorship and support
  5. Creating a culture of trust and collaboration
  6. Fostering innovation and creativity
  7. Making strategic decisions
  8. Building relationships with stakeholders
  9. Identifying and managing risks

Main responsibilities of a manager:

  • Planning, organizing, directing, and controlling resources (including people, time, and money) to achieve specific objectives
  • Establishing policies and procedures
  • Managing budgets and resources
  • Monitoring and evaluating performance
  • Ensuring compliance with regulations and standards
  • Identifying and resolving operational issues
  • Allocating resources effectively
  • Developing and implementing operational plans
  • Collaborating with other departments and stakeholders.


It’s important to note that both leadership and management are essential to the success of any organization. Without effective leadership, a team or organization may lack direction and vision, while without effective management, it may struggle to achieve its goals and objectives. By understanding the differences between leadership and management, individuals can develop the skills and qualities necessary to excel in both roles and help their organizations achieve long-term success.

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