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About Paternalistic Leadership Style

Paternalistic leadership is leadership style is a leadership style that emphasizes a leader’s role as a parent, such as a father or a mother, to their subordinates. Paternalistic leadership is a leadership style that is often associated with an authoritarian approach but it can also be implemented with a more nurturing and supportive approach. In this blog, we will explore the key features advantages, and disadvantages of the paternalistic leadership style.

Key Features of Paternalistic leadership style

  1. Authoritarian: Paternalistic leadership style is characterized by a high level of control exerted by the leader over their subordinates, with the leader making most of the decisions themselves. In this leadership style, the leader assumes a father-like role, providing guidance, direction, and support to their subordinates. While this style can provide a sense of security and stability for subordinates, it can also lead to a lack of creativity and independence. The authoritarian nature of this style can also result in subordinates feeling undervalued and resentful, leading to a decrease in morale and productivity.
  2. Nurturing: Paternalistic leaders are characterized by their nurturing behavior towards subordinates. They take a personal interest in the well-being of their team members and provide guidance and support to help them develop both professionally and personally.
  3. Personal relationships: Paternalistic leaders often prioritize building close, personal relationships with their subordinates. This can lead to a greater sense of trust, loyalty, and commitment from team members, as they feel valued and understood by their leader. By taking a genuine interest in their subordinates’ well-being and providing guidance and support, paternalistic leaders can create a positive work environment that fosters strong relationships and promotes teamwork. However, this can also lead to favoritism and a lack of objectivity, as personal relationships may cloud the leader’s judgment in decision-making.

Advantages of paternalistic leadership style

  1. Employee loyalty: Paternalistic leaders who demonstrate care and concern towards their employees can foster strong relationships with them, leading to increased employee loyalty and commitment. These leaders take a personal interest in the well-being of their subordinates and often provide guidance and support. This approach can result in a positive work environment where employees feel valued and supported by their leader. As a result, employees may be more willing to go above and beyond their job responsibilities and stay with the organization for longer periods of time. However, it is important to note that an excessive focus on loyalty can create a lack of transparency and hinder innovation within the organization.
  2. Reduced turnover: Paternalistic leaders tend to develop personal relationships with their subordinates and provide guidance and support, which can lead to greater employee loyalty and reduced turnover rates. The close relationships built between leaders and subordinates create a sense of belonging and commitment, making employees feel valued and supported. This can also result in increased job satisfaction and motivation, which in turn can lead to improved performance and productivity. Overall, the paternalistic leadership style can be effective in reducing turnover rates and creating a positive work environment.
  3. Improved morale: Paternalistic leaders who demonstrate genuine concern for the well-being of their subordinates can create a positive work environment and improve morale. When employees feel that their leader values their well-being and is invested in their success, they are more likely to feel motivated and engaged in their work. This can lead to increased productivity, higher job satisfaction, and better overall performance. Paternalistic leaders can achieve this by providing support and guidance, recognizing their subordinates’ achievements, and creating opportunities for career development. By taking care of their employees in this way, paternalistic leaders can build strong and loyal teams that are more likely to achieve their goals.

Disadvantages of paternalistic leadership style

  1. Lack of independence: Paternalistic leaders can sometimes exhibit a lack of trust in their subordinates and may be overly controlling, leading to a lack of independence and creativity among employees. This can stifle innovation and lead to resentment among employees who feel that they are not trusted to make decisions on their own. Additionally, the close personal relationships that paternalistic leaders develop with their subordinates can sometimes result in favoritism and nepotism, which can be detrimental to team dynamics and overall performance.
  2. Slow decision-making: Paternalistic leaders who have a high level of control over their subordinates can cause slow decision-making processes. This is because the leaders tend to make most of the decisions themselves, which can hinder progress and innovation. Due to their nurturing and protective nature, paternalistic leaders may also take a cautious approach to decision-making, which can further slow down the process. The slow decision-making can cause delays and missed opportunities for the organization, which can be a disadvantage of this leadership style.
  3. Nepotism: Paternalistic leaders may exhibit nepotism by showing favoritism towards specific employees who are close to them, which can create an impression of injustice among other team members.

YouTube lecture on paternalistic leadership style in Urdu / Hindi

YouTube lecture on paternalistic leadership style in English language

Situation where Paternalistic leadership style is appropriate.

Paternalistic leadership style can be appropriate in certain situations where there is a need for a leader to show concern and care for the well-being of their employees. This style may be effective in industries where safety is a high priority, such as manufacturing or construction, where a leader needs to ensure that employees are following safety guidelines and taking necessary precautions. It can also be suitable in crisis situations, such as natural disasters or political instability, where employees may be feeling insecure and uncertain. Paternalistic leadership can help to provide a sense of stability and support during these difficult times. Additionally, it may be appropriate in situations where employees may lack the necessary knowledge or experience to make important decisions on their own, and a leader needs to guide and mentor them towards success.


In conclusion, the paternalistic leadership style has both advantages and disadvantages, and its appropriateness depends on the specific situation. It can be effective in situations where employees require guidance and support, and when there is a need for a close relationship between the leader and the employees. However, it may not be appropriate in situations where creativity and independence are required, or where there is a need for quick decision-making. As with any leadership style, it is important for leaders to consider the needs and characteristics of their employees and the goals of the organization when deciding on the most appropriate approach.

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